What Makes Us Different?


Attic Professional is a family-owned and operated company in San Diego dedicated to offering a quality installation with utmost respect to you and your home. We pride ourselves on objectively identifying what your home needs based existing conditions as well as your expectations.

Unlike most insulation contractors, we do not operate on a commission based business model. This means that our team does not make a commission whenever we make an agreement with a client. We feel this creates a comfortable and unpressured experience between the client and contractor. Instead of simply telling our potential client what they need to buy, we choose to inform them on exactly what is going on in their attic. This approach puts you in a position to make an educated decision on the service you and your home need. 

Ultimately, our goal is to provide exceptional service that we hope will exceed your expectations starting from the first step we take into your home to the last. 


Weekend and Evening Services

We understand taking time out of busy schedules for onsite home improvement projects is difficult. This is why we offer weekend services at no extra charge. We will accommodate your needs to the best of our abilities. 

Respect to You and Your Home

Hiring a contractor to make improvements to your home can often be an overwhelming task. We hear many stories of disappointment and bad experiences, which is why we focus on transparency and customer satisfaction. 

When the project begins, we focus on taking the necessary precautions to respectfully work in your home.